“学萃讲坛”—Research in Corrosion Science and Engineering and Advanced Materials Technology in Oil/Gas Pipeline Systems


报告题目:Research in Corrosion Science and Engineering and Advanced Materials Technology in Oil/Gas Pipeline Systems

报告人:程玉峰 院士





报告人简介:程玉峰,欧盟科学院院士、国际腐蚀协会会士、管道腐蚀研究领域加拿大首席科学家卡尔加里大学终身教授。程院士主要从事三方面研究:腐蚀科学与工程、装备服役安全评估与完整性管理、电化学表面工程与纳米技术。他1990年本科毕业于湖南大学,1993年硕士毕业于中国科学院金属研究所,2000年于加拿大阿尔伯塔大学获材料科学与工程博士学位, 2000-2002年在加拿大国家工程研究中心从事博士后研究。程院士先后荣获国际腐蚀协会尤利格奖、中国腐蚀与防护学会师昌绪奖、加拿大材料与冶金协会金属化学奖、中国国家留学基金委优秀海外留学博士生导师。程院士目前已出版英文专著 2部,发表 SCI期刊 论文190余 篇,国际会议特邀大会报告和主题报告 27 次,论文共引用超过6,450次,H-因子52

报告内容:Pipelines are regarded as the energy highway to transport oil, natural gas and petrochemical products from the production sites and processing plants to the markets and consumers. The integrity and safety of the pipeline system is critical to energy transportation, environmental conservation and national economy. Among various mechanisms causing pipeline failure, corrosion has been identified as the most important one, as demonstrated by statistics in both Canada and the United States. Pipeline corrosion is quite complex, and the complexity arises as a result of multiple reactions and processes occurring simultaneously, which in turn, are very specific to the interactions of pipeline steels, the environmental conditions and various types of stress. In this talk, the latest research accomplishments on pipeline corrosion fundamentals, and the modeling, prevention and monitoring techniques for corrosion management made in author’s laboratory in the past decades are present. It is anticipated that the talk provides an essential insight into the understanding of pipeline corrosion phenomenon, and development of advanced techniques for effective corrosion control and management based on an excellent integration of multidisciplinary programs including materials science, electrochemistry, metallurgy, and engineering majors.