“学萃讲坛”--Ballistic Tests of Projectiles, Dynamic Testing of Materials & Crashworthiness of Additively Manufactured Regular Cellular Structures



报告题目:Ballistic Tests of Projectiles, Dynamic Testing of Materials & Crashworthiness of Additively Manufactured Regular Cellular Structures

报告人:Dr. Judyta Sienkiewicz, Military University of Technology(波兰军事科技大学,best365官方网站登录入口访问学者)

报告时间:2017928日 下午1430



报告内容:The aim of this presentation will be acquainted with the Military University of Technology-the largest military polytechnic university in Poland. Special emphasis will be given to the introducing a research potential of Institute of Armament Technology at Faculty of Mechatronics and Aerospace. Ballistic tests of service/live ammunition as well as the dynamic testing of materials as Taylor Impact Test, Electromagnetic Ring Test and Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar that are being conducted by the Institute of Armament Technology will be shown. Finally, a new project realized by the interdisciplinary research team from the MUTwill bepointed out. The most interesting phenomenon, which motivates MUT researchers to start such project was crashworthiness behaviour of regular cellular structures. Abovementioned work concerns the fabrication of regular cellular structures by using additive manufacturing (Laser Engineered Net Shaping-LENS) and mechanical response of cellular structures under quasi-static and dynamic loading conditions. The main objective of this project is to analyse the dissipation of the impact energy, in order to decelerate and finally stop a movable mass, like a bullet or another projectile in controllable manner.

报告人简介:Doctor Judyta Sienkiewicz is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Mechatronics and Aerospace at Military University of Technology since October 1st,2016. She is currently working in Professor Jiang's group at Materials Science and Chemical Engineering College of HEU as a visiting professor. She specializes mainly intermetallic materials, thermally sprayed coatings as well as microscopy and roentgenography. Doctor Judyta has been working on her Ph. D. at Warsaw University of Technology (WUT). During her Ph. D. studies she took part in a two-year joint graduate program operated by WUT and Japan’s National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)-in Tsukuba. Currently, Doctor Sienkiewicz is incorporated into the projectthe aim of which is to determine the essential technical parameters of building the cellular structure material which allows increasing the strength, stiffness and its ability to absorb the impact energy. She is also an academic lecturer at the MUT.