“学萃讲坛”第250期-Anodizing of metals for fabrication of functional oxide films


  报告题目:Anodizing of metals for fabrication of functional oxide films
  报告人:幅崎浩樹 教授
  报告人简介:北海道大学教授,日本文部科学省委员,研究促进局高级专家,日本腐蚀学会北海道分会长,电化学委员会委员,表面技术协会总干事。1991年毕业于日本东北大学,获理学博士学位;2000-2005年,英国曼彻斯特大学高级访问学者,1993-1995年,英国曼彻斯特大学博士后。2013年获日本电化学协会创新科技奖,2005年获日本学术振兴会JSPS奖,1997年获日本Tokin科技奖,1996年获国际T. P. Hoar 最佳论文奖和日本金属学会奖,1993年获日本Harada青年科学奖,1990年获日本Shibata青年科技奖。发表高水平SCI论文300余篇,被ISI Thomson数据库选为材料科学领域ISI Highly Cited最高引用率学者,出版英文书籍多部(Elsevier 出版社)。
  报告内容简介:Anodizing of metals and alloys has attracted recent attention in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology, because of easy and cost-effective fabrication of highly ordered nanoporous and nanotubular oxide structures. Such nanoporous films are also interested as templates for preparation of nanofiber and nanotubular metals, oxides and polymers. As well as porous structures, Compact oxide nanofilms with superior properties can be prepared by anodizing technique. In this talk, some examples of the functional anodic oxide films showing super-liquid repellency and high proton conductivity at intermediate temperatures will be presented. Electrochemical properties of nanocarbons prepared using porous anodic alumina will also be discussed for lithium ion battery and fuel cell applications.